Sunday, June 13, 2010

B2ST: We Found Them!

Hey! It's Beast!! We just figured out that Twitter is a great way to connect with all of our favorite Kpop artists. We found Beast there!! And guess what they were doing? Supporting South Korea during the World Cup!  We're happy to say that Beast's efforts weren't wasted because South Korea won 2-0 this weekend against Greece.  Their next match is against Argentina. Good luck South Korea!!!  Anyways, back to Beast... They posted some pictures (pictures under the cut)

It's Beast :):

This is the picture that they posted on their Twitter, which you can find here. The message that went with their picture said (We're sorry if we butchered it with Google Translate): 

"Taegeuk Warriors of the Republic of Korea today for propaganda was wearing red! Oh ... I'm nervous" - Doojoon

Taeguek Warriors refers to the nickname of South Korea's World Cup team.  And they supported South Korea by wearing red (as seen in the first picture).

A BEAST shirt! 

Beast also took a picture of their signed shirt. They're so luckyy!!! We'll keep following Beast to make sure we get all their updates so they'll never disappear again :D.

Ahh. We just made a Twitter account recently, but we don't regret a minute of it.  To check out our Twitter, click here.

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