Wednesday, June 2, 2010

B2ST's Disappearance

Our blog has been lacking posts about B2ST since we can not find out what is currently going on with the group.  It feels like we're filing out a missing person report... but if anyone figures out about any B2ST activities, please please please let us know!  Our blog feels incomplete without these guys, and we really want to update on this Kpop group.  Either that or we'll have to start writing a eulogy for the group (WE DON'T WANT TO DO THAT). 
Last Seen: Doing work after release of album Shock of the New Era
Names of Missing Persons: Doo Joon, Hyun Seung, Jun Hyung, Yo Seob, Gi Kwang, Dong Woon
Behavior: Like to sing and dance and entertain/love their fans
Reward: The mending of fan's hearts all over the world 

IN OTHER NEWS: It's our 1st month anniversary! Cheers to one month of blogging!

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