Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Quote of the Day

If you haven't noticed already, there's a little widget on the left sidebar of our website called the Quote of the Day.  We put our favorite quotes there and we really like the one we put for today:  

Question: What about Korea? It's cold there, what do you do to keep warm? Taeyang's answer: I think hugging helps. *hugs G-Dragon*.


We really like this quote and we'd like to show you the video where we found it. IT'S AT 5:56 HERE. When we searched "Taeyang Hug" in search boxes, we came up with fan comments such as: WHY AM I NOT (person getting hugged)? or I LOVE YOU TAEYANG or better yet STEP OFF MY FUTURE HUSBAND!  We've decided to coin a phrase for this outbreak in Taeyang fandom.  We call it: Yellow Fever Type T for Taeyang... Apparently the cure is a hug from Taeyang, but the cure can only be obtained by major stalking and advanced predatory senses.

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